mercredi 14 avril 2004

Ce matin, un lapin... (bis)

Vu chez Garfieldd. Du coup l'a fallu que je le fasse...

You're Watership Down by Richard Adams
Though many think of you as a bit young, even childish, you're actually incredibly deep and complex. You show people the need to rethink their assumptions, and confront them on everything from how they think to where they build their houses. You might be one of the greatest people of all time. You'd be recognized as such if you weren't always talking about talking rabbits.
Take the Book Quiz at the Blue Pyramid.

Ca me tue, y'en a il leur faut des années pour meme pas me comprendre, et ce test il lui a fallu 6 questions ! O_o
Enfin bon, je vais continuer a me steack haché derriere mes lapins si ca vous dérange pas hein ! ¬_¬

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