mardi 8 mars 2005

Etre une femme...

I'm fed up with being bullied. I don't want to live through this again. Fucking hell why can't he give me a fucking break ! Why does he have to comment on every move I make, on every discussion I have with other colleagues, why doesn't he just let me be for fuck sake!
Men with small brain and very big ego are just the worst. And they're even worse if you've slept with them.
Only 2 weeks to go, I just have to keep my ears shut, and anyway I just can't fight his sarcasms, I don't know how, I've never known, and I don't want to sink back into my old ironic self. No.
And no I won't spit into his tubes, although it's really very tempting right now.
What a great 30th international women's day I’ve had ! Thank you Matt...

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