lundi 4 juillet 2005

Jardins d'enfants...

A trip to B&Q. Quite an exciting moment in a plant biologist life. Well, at least in mine. Our growth rooms are ready, 3 months behind the schedule, but hey, they're the most beautiful rooms i've ever seen.
A trip to B&Q then. The 2 female postdocs on a shopping mission. Heaven. To buy pots, sticks, scoops, cans, and more important than anything, compost. And believe me, there is an amazing range of compost types. Amazing.
But no "lemmington" compost, our favorite.
A shop assistant is around, so here i am, asking advices on what to buy instead of our dear lemmington compost.
"-Well, it depends love, what do you want to grow ?
- Arabidopsis thaliana...
- What ???
- Hm, a weed
- A weed ???? Oh boy... are you mad ?"

Well, maybe i am, but the cold room is now full of the richest compost ever, i've got sand to make sand castles, or maybe to mix to the compost, and this week i'm eventually going to be able to put my hands in some soil, and to grow my plants. Without them dying in the hostile environment of the old departmental growth rooms.
Life couldn't feel better for mad weed biologists.

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