dimanche 20 février 2005


(épisode 1)
Présentation officielle, entre le panier à linge sale et la table de la cuisine. Commentaires sur le diner de la veille, dont les restes trainent encore...
Helen: by the way, Eve, I didn't put any onions in my tomato tart eventually, so you're welcome to have some if you want !
Nouveau Chéri d'Helen: You mean you don't like onions? God you really can't be french then ! French people love onions !
kiara: hm...
(and they actually ride their bikes wearing a stripy shirt, a beret, and with a string of onions around their neck. Everyday. Yes... Please give me a break !..)

(épisode 2)
Chit-chat autour d'un tea pendant qu'Helen est sous la douche.
NCd'H: So, Helen told me that you enjoy working at night... strange ! How come ?
kiara: Well, I just don't like seeing people.
NCd'H (avec un regard de détresse vers la salle de bains): uh.. hm..

(épisode 3)
Sunday roast avec ma copine à moi et le nouveau couple.
Helen: so, are you going to the lab to count leaves today ?
kiara: No, that experiment is finished, I think I told you.
NCd'H: Uh, you're counting leaves ??
kiara: Well, it happens, but not today actually. I've got loads of plants drying, and today I need to harvest seeds.
Helen: And are you going to count the seeds then ? uhuhuhuhuh...
kiara: ...

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