mercredi 27 juillet 2005

Allo, allo, monsieur l'ordinateur...

from: kiara
to: staffcounsellor@...
object: help needed
I've been trying to call your service today to leave a message to ask for an appointment, but i think i can't actually figure how to call from the lab phone... [how pathetic, i know...]
Anyway, i still know how to answer the phone though, and was wondering if it was possible to obtain an appointment with a counsellor, i think i could do with some help.
My university phone number is: xxxxxxxxxx, and i'm usually at work from 11a.m. and onwards.

from: staffcounsellor@...
to: kiara
object: RE: help needed
I'm not so sure wheter you do need an appointment to understand how to use your phone, really. Anyhow, because my job is to help our staff, i will give you a tip: press "9" before dialing the number of the person you want to reach. Remember that if it's someone outside Scotland, you actually need to go through an operator after having dialed "0". This service is only available from 9a.m to 5p.m though. After that, you're screwed.
Hope this helps,
Staff Counsellor.

from: kiara
to: staffcounsellor@...
object: RE: RE: help needed
... ?!? ...

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