mercredi 29 novembre 2006


Aujourd'hui j'ai fait une nouvelle playlist pour mon bidule-que-j'aime, comme à peu près un jour sur deux. Bon d'accord, peut-être sur trois.
La playlist du jour s'appelle "Fluoxetine".
Elle aurait pu s'appeler "29", "crossing day", "November sucks", "guillermito's birthday", "I've eventually succeeded in seeing a GP for over 10 minutes in this bloody country", "severely depressed", "hangover", "Avant l'avent", mais non, c'est "Fluoxetine".

- Ok, so do you have any questions ?
- Yes... is it ok to drink while taking the drug ?
- Yes, well, small amounts of alcohol are fine.
- Err... what do you call small amounts ?
- Well, you know, small amounts.
- ... … actually no, I don’t know.
- Well, you'd be fine with a glass of wine a day, but really not more !


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