vendredi 2 février 2007

Cosmic ordering evening class

"I'm having the best social life i've ever had."
This is my new goal.
Positive, specific, dynamic, apparently realistic and achievable by the 22nd of March (so i've been told).
My life coaching class is a joke. The tutor a crazy woman. And the goal i've assigned myself an even bigger joke.
On my goal setting scale (yes, we even have TOOLS to waste 2 hours a week, and i'm not even speaking about my "wheel of life"), my current reality is at 2/10, and in 8 weeks i should be at 10/10.
Actions for week 1:
- list the people i know here and see one of them outside work
- force myself to chat to one new person during coffee break
Ah ah.
Really, this class is such a joke.
I should have chosen to loose weight, or to put some money in the bank, or whatever. I should know by now that i was born to spend my Friday nights at my bench, not to spend my Thursday nights trying to get a life (in an evening class).

On another note, i'm not too sure whether my Tuesday night's pottery class is going to fulfil my creative needs either. Because at the end of the day, how many ugly mugs can one want to produce in one's life ? Surely a couple is enough, isn't it ? Surely i should stick to producing transgenic plants, shouldn't i ?

So far 2007 is fun.
Even if i'm not willing to surrender to the power of Positive Thinking.
Who knows, it may come.
But there is definitely something i know: i will never give-up my Prozac. EVER.

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